Monday, January 25, 2010

Some Big News!

I'll go ahead and put everyone out of their misery... no the big news is NOT a baby ;) That said, we have been super busy year so far in 2010! We had a great time at home for Christmas and have been back to the grind since the new year!

Colby is starting back to class this weekend and is already overwhelmed with reading assignments and lining up a semester long research project about the homeless in downtown San Francisco. I am relieved to say that I am feeling a bit more comfortable at work and I am officially checked off on all of my "advanced skills" which means I have been released into the wild world of deliveries! (And just this week, I intubated for a surprise meconium kid all by myself... well, with the help of a shaking Labor and Delivery nurse! I must admit... it was a bit of a rush!) We are becoming closer to friends here and are really trying to make it our home.

In the past couple weeks we have heard the news of two HUGE exciting events in the life of our ministry, both present and future!

I'll start with the present... The financial and circumstantial crisis our church finds itself in at the present time has so sadly resulted in all of the staff being let go. After strongly sensing the Lord calling us to this church - even in their time of crisis - we knew it must be because we could help be vessels and ask the Lord to use us to help change this church and see the beautiful exchange of beauty for ashes! We made it known to the interim pastor that with Colby not having a regular job, we would be willing to help in any capacity. We met this week with our interim pastor and the current Children's minister where they asked us to slowly transition into the Children's minister/ directors on a volunteer basis!!! We are totally excited... but I must admit it is a big task and I think we both know this is a task that we MUST depend on the Lord to give us the strength and wisdom on this journey! We should be in full swing on our own by summer time! We will keep you updated and in the meantime would LOVE any feedback from those of you that have previous and/or current experience!

I saved the best and future ministry plans for last! Shortly before we moved, some dear, dear friends Zack and Jennifer Stepp took us out to dinner where they shared an incredible vision they believe that the Lord gave them... They believed so strongly in our calling to Africa that they wanted to be an integral part of this journey and ministry in an intimate way. As Zack had just graduated from Law School and was waiting on his Bar results, he amazingly took on the task of learning tax law and completed all the necessary (and ENDLESS!!) paper work to establish a non-profit organization that will begin to serve as a platform for ministry in Africa! In the last couple weeks, we received the long awaited official paperwork from the IRS stating that our corporation is now recognized as a not-for-profit entity!!! This ministry is named Acacia Missions. The Acacia tree is a beautiful tree that can been seen throughout African plains, but we really loved the Biblical reference to these trees from Isaiah 41: 17-20. (You should check it out!) We are praying for the Lord to give us an initial project to begin working on and are waiting on His perfect timing! We are so thankful for friends who are willing to sacrifice and make a long term commitment to believe in our calling and keep us accountable!

We love you all and, again, would love to hear feed back/wisdom about the latest happenings in our ministry! Also, pray that we will be protected from the lie that we can do these things in our own strength and power! We know that lives are only changed by the Name of Jesus.

Love and miss you very much,

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